Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
Before mental health awareness week passes us by, I wanted to jump on and record an episode to support you in any struggles that you're feeling right now.
I want anyone that is listening to this episode to know that regardless of where they are at right now with their mental health, you are not broken and unfixable.
If you have tried C.B.T, N.LP, Counselling, E.M.D.R…..and have felt beyond the point of therapy this episode is especially for you.
I am giving you the chance for me to help you with a painful memory and the best part is that this is content-free, I do not need to know the details of the memory.
In this episode, you will hear how I explain that with the best will in the world if you are struggling with a painful memory from the past that a weight loss journey can feel like an uphill struggle.
I’m inviting you to offload the pain and while you will still remember the event the emotional pain will no longer be attached. I’m offering this to show you that there is hope and I'm offering this for free.
Listen as I read a testimonial from a lady who had spent years in therapy and how I helped her using this exact technique in just 10 minutes.
I know EXACTLY how this sounds! Honestly, even if you're skeptical I urge you to give this a try and break free from emotional pain.
**There are some people who may not benefit from hypnosis and once you register you will receive this information.
Register your interest by reaching out to me on my email address:
Slimming Stories Facebook Group.
YouTube Channel

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
You may remember Debbie Fawcett from episode 42 of the podcast. Debbie lost 15 stone with Slimming World and like many people over lockdown found the food she craved too big a temptation.
Having kept in contact with Debbie I suggested helping Debbie with the food she craved using hypnosis to regain control. Hypnosis was a brand new experience for Debbie but nevertheless Debbie agreed and found Hypnosis to be extremely helpful.
In this episode, you will hear how Debbie thought she hadn't gone fully into hypnosis and yet after the session, the chocolate cake and biscuits didn't even make it to Debbie's mouth.
I totally understand how different the approach of hypnosis and hypnotherapy seems which is why I'm bringing the sessions to you!
After the session, Debbie could only associate the biscuits and chocolate cake with salt! Debbie had wanted to be able to go into her kitchen for a cup of tea without the desire for biscuits, it's safe to say that her wish was granted!
Here is the link to see Debbie's full episode over on YouTube http://bit.ly/YouTubeClaireOldhamWest
Join me for my free webinar on Thursday the 27th of January where I will be introducing my new course “Slimming Stories Emotional Detox” http://bit.ly/EMOTIONALDETOX
If you're interested in hypnotherapy you can visit my website claireoldhamwest.com
To book a free discovery call to see if hypnotherapy is the right therapy for you just click on this link to schedule your 30-minute session. https://www.claireoldhamwest.com/contact

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Episode 100, Imposter syndrome as a podcaster is very real, celebrating my 100 milestone of a podcast that nearly never started!
In gratitude I have published episode 100... ti's the season of miracles and the fact is there was a point I had given up on the idea of ever publishing a podcast.
For the first time ever I have published this episode with zero editing!!! Inspired by a recent hypnotherapy client that had lived with a stutter for 70 years I can safely say that my "erms" are no big deal and every voice deserves a platform.
This episode is my journey through imposter syndrome to feeling the drive to publish a podcast despite all of life's curveballs leading up to the launch. I hope this inspires anyone not to let go of their dreams and not to wait for that moment when all the stars align.
I weathered every storm leading up to the podcast launch but I just could not give it up!
I created this podcast on a wing and a prayer, lots of prayers in fact!
I talk about Cathy Heller's podcast course and meeting some gorgeous people in America who are now my biggest cheerleaders.
I discuss how podcasting has changed my outlook on life from first meeting fellow entrepreneurs to taking the leap to leave my day job in 2021 and starting my own business.
I give a shout-out to my husband Martin West who has always had my back and carried me through this process showing love and support each step of the way.
I share my thanks to the guests on my show, mostly strangers who opened their hearts to share their stories to inspire you the listener.
Take action, however, this looks and however messy it feels. Imposter syndrome is real but accepting all that scares you and pushing through this creates change.
Sending love, 2021 has been another COVID year but we did it, we made it through!
I hope 2022 gives you the opportunity to catapult yourself out of your comfort zone as you take your own scary steps towards doing the thing that lights you up. If I can host a podcast with 50k plus downloads you can do anything!
Thank you for listening.
Much love Claire.
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Website link:
- here you can download my free hypnosis audio track.

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Episode 99, Aleisha Black talks openly about finding herself through obesity and the courageous steps she is taking to document her weight loss journey.
Aleisha felt that she had finally found the answer in managing weight gain in the form of nutritious meal replacements. Aleisha decided to document her journey on YouTube for accountability and this worked really well. The plan Aleisha chose to follow was a shake meal replacement and watching the scales reduce as well as her dress size was amazingly encouraging along with the words of support from her followers.
In this episode, Aleisha talks about the difficulties of maintaining weight loss when her husband's mental health struggles had increased to the point of experiencing suicidal thoughts. The days that followed meant that Aleisha's focus had to be with her family as a wife and mother and making time for her needs had taken a back seat. Depression followed and Aleisha felt desperately unhappy and sad having regained the weight that had been under control adding to Aleisha’s frustration.
This episode is unapologetically raw and shows the determination it takes just to get out of bed and face each day living with depression and trying to manage life.
Aleisha is now in a better place and was inspired to think differently and in the process offers hope to others who have also been in a dark place by documenting her weight loss journey on a podcast “finding myself through obesity”.
This is new for Slimming Stories documenting weight management before the full weight loss. I know you will all join me in wishing Aleisha all the best as she steps forward to make the positive changes necessary to improve her health.
You can follow Aleisha and her weight loss journey on Instagram @findingmyselfthroughobesity
Claire Oldham West: Hypnotherapist, Coach & Podcaster.

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
This is part 2 of Angharad's slimming story. While Angharad was delighted to be in a position to receive Gastric Bypass surgery, who would have predicted Covid and a worldwide pandemic?! Angharad explains within this episode how the family was unable to visit and how post-surgery looked. Trying to be present for her children while dealing with the challenges that she was faced with after surgery is just one of the many inspiring conversations that you will hear. In fact, Angharad is blessed with children who offered support who knew how much the surgery meant to their mum.
This is a great story of determination and resilience and Angharad found herself using Covid as a motivator to allow herself to reset into her new body in time for her business to be reopened after lockdown. Angharad was able to enjoy walks out with her children and discover new walks along the way, something she never thought about before lockdown forced her to stay close to home.
Angharad greeted her clients in her smaller size when the doors to her business finally opened and received positive support.
This episode is a great listen especially for anyone considering this surgery as Angharad recalls the early days after surgery and gives great advice around expectations.
You can follow Angharad over on Instagram @angharads_next_chapter
You can subscribe to my new email list to experience the joy of pure relaxation with a free hypnosis audio track.
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Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Having tried every diet and feeling hopeless with her weight loss journey Angharad turned to her G.P and was delighted to receive support through the N.H.S. in the form of a gastric bypass referral.
Unfortunately, because Angharad was neither diabetic or had high blood pressure this support came to an end and this resulted in despair for Angharad and a further 3 stone weight gain.
Acid reflux, joint pain, and declining mental health were all results of being out of control with food and yet food seemed to be the answer for dealing with every emotion happy or sad. Once finances became available Angharad was able to receive a gastric bypass.
Angharad documented the emotional process of weight loss and the ability to regain control and newfound self-esteem on Instagram. Angharad has reduced her dress size from a U.K size 26/28 to U.K size 8/6.
This is part 1 of Angharad's weight loss journey and she explains how she was so ready to shed the weight after years of disordered eating.
You can follow Angharad over on Instagram @angharads_next_chapter
You can subscribe to my new email list to experience the joy of pure relaxation with a free hypnosis audio track.
Click below to subscribe to my new email list:

Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Soozi enjoyed take-out food so much that she dedicated over 20 years of daily take-outs that seemed to offer a solution after a busy day at work.
Work for Soozi was once so busy and so intense that the very thought of seeing 7.00 a.m on her alarm clock was just too much, and the process of physically getting out of bed was becoming more and more difficult. Work pressures armed with a poor diet had left Soozi both mentally and physically drained.
The saving grace for Soozi came with the help of a friend who was able to share how a yoga retreat had made such a positive impact on her health that Soozi wanted to give it a try.
This week's episode offers an insight to anyone who feels burnt out and wondering how to even start to begin a journey back to wellness. The natural step for Soozi was to train as a yoga instructor to help others.
If you have been inspired to give yoga a try you can follow Soozi on Instagram and will find her website @areya_yoga
Areya Retreat online:
You can subscribe to my new email list to experience the joy of pure relaxation with a free hypnosis audio track.
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Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
To see Lydia showing up on her Instagram account you would think that Lydia had a naturally confident and outgoing persona, that posting her photos would be a doddle.
During this interview, Lydia explains how it took over 2 months of taking photos before she was able to hit publish. The old insecurities were still very much a recent memory and yet somehow Lydia just couldn't hold back from putting herself out there.
Lydia explained that while she was toying with the idea of posting she would scroll and see other accounts promoting body positivity and other curvy ladies that truly inspired Lydia to take action.
At the point Lydia posted on Instagram she had started to lose weight with the help of calorie counting and this gave her the confidence boost that she needed.
Now Lydia shows up beautifully on Instagram with weight loss progress photos and documents how her clothes fit her shape both before and after the zip fastens! Truly inspiring!
Lydia didn't stop there and with the discovery of an online hoola hoop class, Lydia has found an exercise that she truly loves and this has helped so much with regaining her fitness and losing inches off her waist.
You can find Lydia on Instagram lydsjourney2target prepare to be inspired!
You can subscribe to my new email list to experience the joy of pure relaxation with a free hypnosis audio track.
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Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Alison explains how she feels she wasted 30 years avoiding the things she loved to do and the disruption this caused managing life in a morbidly obese body.
Alison had many moments and experiences within those 30 years that were warning signs of her weight issue. Alison opens up about an experience of a fair ride and what she describes as a walk of shame when the seat belt to the ride didn't fit. Moments like these were embarrassing for Alison yet she walked from the ride exit straight to the candy floss stall. Alison knew her sweet tooth didn't help her health journey but during this time Alison explains that she was in denial at how big she had become.
With poor physical and mental health, Alison felt very low and antidepressants had been prescribed. High blood pressure and diverticulitis were other health problems that Alison had to deal with and even when Alison's was severely ill this still wasn't the turning point.
Luckily all this changed and if you're in need of some honest heartfelt motivation if you want to hear what true success sounds like Alison will amaze you in this episode. Alison, motivated by the task of sharing care for her Grandson went onto lose 11 and a half stones and no longer receives any medication! Alison's blood pressure is now normal and she no longer receives medication for antidepressants. Alsion's change of diet has helped the symptoms she had experienced with Diverticulitis so much so that she no longer experiences symptoms.
Alison’s 60th birthday celebrations included a Zip wire in Wales! Something that Alison is now free to enjoy, a new health journey is laid before her and new experiences await.
If you would like to follow Alison on Instagram her Instagram handle is
You can subscribe to my new email list to experience the joy of pure relaxation with a free hypnosis audio track.
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Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Episode 93, Steve Lodge a slimming story of resilience and hope after a time of great loss.
Podcast Episode re-run.
Do we ever really know what is on the other side of “are you o.k”? This is the question Steves's friend asked during a time of despair when Steve was suffering from suicidal thoughts. Before Steve had hit rock bottom he had managed a successful weight loss of 6 stone after a health scare with his heart. Steve had also discovered a love for running and on paper was taking positive steps in the right direction.
Unfortunately for Steve, his mental health had plummeted, and unbeknown to him at this time Steve was about to discover his true inner strength. After confiding in his friend and seeking professional help Steve is thankfully living life to the full equipped with an armor of mental resilience. Steve went on to lose a total of 11 stone 11 and a half pounds with Slimming World and currently runs his own group as a consultant.
This episode is unapologetically raw and honest and demonstrates hope in the darkest of times.
Steve recently helped raise funds for the charity “Mind” and encourages anyone struggling with their mental health to seek help.
If you're reading this grappling for excuses why this isn't the week to start the healthy changes that your body is crying out to take a listen to Steve's story. This episode is an abundance of inspiration and clearly demonstrates that no slimming journey is without its twists and turns. Steve recalls the time when he suffered from dark thoughts as having an out-of-body experience. This story is very needed and I know this will help anyone who is struggling with isolation and who may be experiencing similar difficulties.
It goes without saying that I am so grateful that Steve has agreed to share his full slimming story on my podcast.
If you have enjoyed listening to Steve's story you can follow Steve on Instagram @steve_achieve
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
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