Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Ashli Sterling had tried many fad diets but having previously worked as a Slimming World consultant Ashli knew that she had the tools at hand to make the necessary health changes she longed for. 2020 is due to be a big year for Ashli and amidst COVID 19 she seems to be taking all of the chaos in her stride with an exuberance of confidence Ashli explains this wasn't always the case. For Ashli dropping dress sizes from a U.K size 16 to a U.K size 8 has given her confidence a huge boost, Ashli never thought she would be halving her dress size. Ashli talks about her love for food and her desire to show others how preparing tasty food doesn't have to be complex and how taking snapshots as a blogger on Instagram played an integral part in her weight loss journey. Ashli reached her goal weight long before plans of a wedding making Ashli's success all the more sweeter with no pressure to slim down for the big day. Ashli's commitment to her weight loss gifted her with the power of choice both on her plate and in the wedding boutique.
If you have enjoyed Ashli’s Slimming Story you can follow her journey ashli_sw
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories is also a Facebook Group.

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Episode 21, Jessica Faulkner the most positive bride to be amidst COVID-19 shares her weight loss as a Slimming World member.
Jessica joined her local slimming group with the intention of just losing half a stone. Several stones later and with healthy eating choices embedded into her lifestyle with a newfound love for fitness inches followed the weight loss, reducing Jessica's dress size from a U.K size 22 to size 10 - 12. Jessica exuberates confidence and it's difficult to imagine Jessica ever feeling any different but during our conversation, Jessica opens up about how changes to her diet and fitness have increased her confidence and how happy she feels compared with life in a larger body. This episode was published during COVID- 19 but Jessica doesn't show any signs of overwhelm a testament to the support of a loving fiance, family, and friends. Shopping for a wedding dress had been a worry for Jessica but now in a smaller size, Jessica has the freedom to choose whatever style she finds on the rail in the wedding boutique. Being an overweight mum was something that once laid heavy on Jessica's mind but now she is free to keep up with her young daughter and shine as a role model providing healthy footsteps for daughter Felicity to follow in.
If you have enjoyed Jessica's Slimming Story you can follow her journey @jess.abrahams_sw
Slimming Stories podcast is produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories is also a Facebook Group.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Episode 20, Andie Darlington my first transgender guest shares her slimming story as a Slimming World member.
Andie is a Slimming Stories first having won both "Man Of The Year" within her local Slimming World Class and "Woman Of The Year". Andie who works as a journalist felt so at ease within her local Slimming World class that unbeknown to the man that walked through the door several years previous she would be surrounded by an acceptance allowing her to lead an authentic life. Andie describes how she didn't want to be an old man looking back on life wondering what if….. Transitioning in 2020 is received with more acceptance than in years gone by but there are still challenges as Andie talks about hateful messages that she still receives today. Andie’s episode will be published amidst the Coronavirus pandemic during a time when people started to reach out to one another with a pause from their laptops and iPhones. Andie didn't expect the warmth and acceptance she received at her local slimming class but this is exactly what happened. Andie talks about lifelong friendships in a heartwarming story in a time when we are all in need of a virtual hug.
If you have enjoyed Andie’s story you can continue to follow her slimming journey on Instagram @andiedarlington
Slimming Stories podcast is produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories is also a Facebook Group.

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Episode 19, Davey Baverstock shares his 16 and a half stone weight loss journey.
Food had become Davey's best friend, his coping mechanism when times got tough. At the age of thirty Davey had major health problems having reached 28 stone his body was reacting to the extra work his body was challenged to do on a daily basis. Davey developed a condition called sleep apnea and on a visit to his G.P surgery, the doctor discussed how Davey was on the highest concentration of Oxygen for someone using the equipment at home without regular hospital visits. The doctor explained that if Davey's weight gain continued at this rate of incline that his life expectancy would be cut short giving Davey the devastating news that he would have just a further 8 years to live. This Slimming Story could be a lifeline for anyone listening thinking that there's no hope. Davey's wake up call was that moment with his doctor and seeing the devastation on his mum's face. A truly inspiring Slimming Journey that started with Slimming World losing 16 and a half stone. No story is without its twists and turns and we see so many picture-perfect slimming stories in glossy magazines that this week's podcast is so refreshingly honest and relatable. Davey’s slimming journey was put to the test when his mum past away last year, enduring the painful process of grief Davey knew he owed it to his mum to get back on track and Davey is once again taking brave steps in the right direction.
If you have enjoyed Davey’s story you can follower her slimming journey on Instagram @itsdaveysworld
Slimming Stories podcast is produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories is also a Facebook Group.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Episode 18
Amy set her sights on losing 100lb after a relationship breakup and hasn't looked back since. Being able to deal with her food issues with the help of Slimming World allowed Amy to see and feel the impact of how this changed her life and how it was helping others. Inspired by her own slimming journey Amy decided to train as a Slimming World consultant and with that decision, the best was yet to come. Amy decided to join fellow slimmers to embark on the challenge to climb Mount Snowdon giving Amy the chance to meet other slimmers and to feel even more inspired by what is possible when you're in a position to challenge your mindset. Inspiration that Amy has been able to pass onto the Slimming group she now runs. In the past taking steps to track her food intake was not always received well by family members but now with her new slimming family, Amy has found a place to share her highs and lows with people that truly understand the challenges of a slimmer.
If you have enjoyed Amy's story you can follower her slimming journey on Instagram @aimsterlouise_sw
Slimming Stories podcast is produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories is also a Facebook Group.
If you would like to appear as a guest on the show please DM me on Instagram.

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Bonus Episode 17 introducing Nicole Rivera and her podcast “Stop Writing Alone”
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Bonus Episode 17 introducing Nicole Rivera and her podcast “Stop Writing Alone”
Recently Nicole discovered, to her horror, that the one question Oprah Winfrey claims to be the single most important question for any person to answer in their lifetime -- What do I want? -- was the one question she couldn’t answer. Ever since discovering this, she has worked to find her answers in her creative life as well as her life as a whole. After listening to author and creativity coach, Jessica Abel, discussing the “shoulds” in our lives, Nicole discovered they can lead us all to the answer to our wants which will then help us reach for all our dreams -- especially when it comes to our writing careers.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVER AFTER SPRING WRITING RETREAT with Nicole Rivera & Sam Kimberle, follow this link https://mailchi.mp/898c01af51e2/everafter2020
Mentioned in this episode:
- DIYMFARadio Episode 293 Interview with Jessica Abel https://diymfa.com/podcast/episode-293-jessica-abel
- Jessica Abel’s blog post on the “shoulds” https://jessicaabel.com/what-happens-when-you-let-your-demons-run-loose/
- @stopwritingalone Instagram post about the most important question “What do I want?” https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_B2TNhAFS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
- Stop Writing Alone Episode 57: Interview with Jenna Britton https://stopwritingalone.com/2020/02/13/episode-57-jenna-britton-talks-personal-essays-podcasts-and-newsletters/
- EVER AFTER SPRING WRITING RETREAT application https://mailchi.mp/898c01af51e2/everafter2020
- NV Rivera YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpPlp1EVzQhDFPdGp5w2KoQ?view_as=subscriber
- Stay connected to learn about all Stop Writing Alone stuff -- get on Nicole’s email list: https://mailchi.mp/ff8df93e57dc/penpals
- Buy Nicole a coffee (AKA support the podcast!) https://ko-fi.com/stopwritingalone
Places to connect to the STOP WRITING ALONE community and introduce yourself:
- Stop Writing Alone FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/stopwritingalone/
- Join the Stop Writing Alone with Nicole Rivera FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2205774733034348/
- Stop Writing Alone website: https://stopwritingalone.com/
- Join the Stop Writing Alone email list: https://mailchi.mp/ff8df93e57dc/penpals
- Stop Writing Alone Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/stopwritingalone/
- Nicole’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/nv_rivera
- The Stop Writing Alone voice number (call to introduce yourself!): (646) 907-9607
When you find a group of people who lift you up on a daily basis, it is important to share their awesome. Here are links to the women in Nicole’s Mastermind group (currently going by the name The Voxer Vixens!). Please support these women who do so much to support Nicole on a daily basis!
- Kim A. Flodin https://www.howinthehellpodcast.com/
- Lisa Murray https://ihavedreamsdammit.com/
- Claire Oldham West https://slimmingstories.podbean.com/
- Johanna Jaquez-Peralta https://www.instagram.com/latina_livin_keto/
- Emma Isaacs https://www.instagram.com/emmaisaacsdesign/
Nicole Rivera
podcast host
iTunes: STOP WRITING ALONE! podcast
Facebook: Stop Writing Alone

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Ruth Calvert was a bright and studious child, teen and young woman throughout her years in education within school, college & university. However, unfortunately for Ruth, her wonder years were subject to bullying due to her size. Maybe we can excuse children due to their age and not knowing better or teens as being too preoccupied to understand the hurt the bullying had caused but this continued at university & also into her working life. The frustration of her excess weight led to trying most diets that provided a short term fix. Luckily Ruth found a diet that she was able to stick to with Slimming World and having lost 7 stone 5 lb Ruth is only a stone away from meeting her goal weight. Ruth’s story is refreshingly honest and I know you will be inspired by Ruth’s bravery in facing up to her food issues and quieting down those voices from her past.
You can follow Ruths Slimming Journey on Instagram @ruthlouise_sw
Slimming Stories podcast is produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories is also a Facebook Group.
If you would like to appear as a guest on the show please DM me on Instagram.

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Bonus Episode 15 introducing Kim Flodin and her podcast "How In The Hell Did I Get Here"
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
March is the month we celebrate International Women's Day and I wanted to celebrate members of my Master Mind Group who have helped me on my podcast journey. Kim Flodin is an absolute joy and inspires me daily.
Trigger warning this episode contains swear words.
Our Lives Flashed Before Our Eyes During the Avalanche... of Bubbles
A big extended family also came with other perks – one was cousins! And, lots of them! Two, we had big family get-togethers filled with lots of laughter, smartassery and shenanigans and three, our summers were filled with staying with our cousins at their various houses or having them come to stay with us! I’d venture a guess that for a lot of us cousins in our large extended family, those family swaps during the summer months hold some of our best and most unforgettable memories. We didn’t go on family vacations, so going to a cousin’s house in the far off land of Wisconsin for a stay was a big deal!
Today’s episode as told by our sister Erin and our cousin Heather is about one of those summer stays with our Aunt Annie, who was, as Heather calls her… “the fancy aunt”. I’m going to take a moment to give Annie a should out and wish her a belated 75th birthday! I saw her not that long ago and she’s still our fancy aunt who still knows how to have a good time!
- Join us on Facebook! bit.ly/FacebookHITH
- Follow us on Instagram @kimaflodin or @howinthehellpodcast
- Buy us a cookie or two! bit.ly/ko-fiHITH
-Thanks to our Storytellers: Heather Vaudreiul and Erin Smith
-Thanks The Coloring Book Coach, listen to How to Fall in Love with Yourself Toolkit:http://bit.ly/fallinlovetoolkit
-Thank you YouTube Free Music Audio Library & Silent Partner for our theme song, 7th Floor Tango and ad music, Blue Skies http://bit.ly/youtubeHITH
Produced, edited, written and hosted by Kim A. Flodin, with editing help from Kari Flodin.

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
At what point do we stop and take a reality check of how our excess weight impacts our health? Gareth knew that he needed to find a solution to his weight issues but was unable to find a diet or eating plan that allowed him to eat normal food that was sustainable. As a result of Gareth’s increasing weight, he found that his health was at risk as he became tired as a result of being unable to have a restful night's sleep. Sleep Apnea was affecting Gareth in a big way leaving him unable to engage fully with his daughter due to tiredness and putting his safety at risk at work as he tried to work through his lack of sleep. Gareth's G.P appointment was the light bulb moment he needed to take action and he found a slimming group that offered support and friendship that would help him to take back control of his health and his life.
You can follow Gareth’s slimming journey on Instagram @gazgriffin86
Slimming Stories podcast is produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories is also a Facebook Group.
If you would like to appear as a guest on the show please DM me on Instagram.

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
New month new me, does this sound familiar!? Well, I've declared that we choose to decide the start of the new year, time is man-made and if tomorrow is your new year to start getting back on a plan that’s fine with me because I'm doing just that! This is my honesty post as promised stupidly back in January!! Why did I think a podcast Slimming diary was a good idea again!?
I think January momentum had something to do with it!
So this update is long overdue as I rushed to record February's episode of the diary realizing whilst recording that we are in fact in March. Again on the theme of good ideas I gave up added sugar for Lent and decided to give my running career legs again. If you are a fantastic dieter in total control of your eating this may not be the episode for you, If on the other hand like most of the population weight loss is a struggle then join me for relatable banter of the highs and lows of my dieting journey.