Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Fiona was sick and tired of feeling tired, most evenings after work would result in a nap on arrival home and being tired and lethargic was very much the norm for Fiona. Now imagine a runner, not just any runner. Imagine someone effortlessly running Marathons in a strong fit body reaching for her trainers before heading for the couch, this is now Fiona’s routine. Fiona now faces 2020 not only in a strong body but now equipped with a strong mind has been able to make peace with her relationship with food. There was no wonder drug or high-intensity workout plan with a restrictive diet, luckily Fiona found her sanctuary with Slimming World and achieved a successful weight loss of 5 stone.
Fiona describes how her life has been transformed with a healthy diet and exercise after years of being overweight and conquering obesity.

Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Feeling body confident after weight loss is a fantastic feeling, falling pregnant knowing the weight needs to come off again takes determination……..something that Victoria has stacks of! Victoria is a busy working mum of two and explains how she finds time to balance self-care, work, motherhood, and planning meals for the week that she enjoys with her husband and young family! If you can relate to Victoria’s busy life and in need of inspiration to stick to plan this week’s episode will show you that gaining control of your weight is possible no matter what challenges lay ahead. While people in the U.K focused on their health and fitness goals in January Victoria’s home was surrounded by smog living within 2 hours of the fire in Australia and tending to the patients affected by the fire as a nurse in her day job. Victoria has resilience and determination that has helped her to lose 2 stone 11lb after the birth of second child and does not show any signs of stopping or allowing anything to stand in her way.
You can follow Victoria’s weight loss journey on Instagram, her food looks amazing! victoria.on.ww Victoria has also featured in a Weight Watchers book, a true pocket-rocket on inspiration!

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Today’s episode with Tom Fox shows an ability to rise up even in the darkest times. Having tasted success with a weight loss of 8 stone 5lb Tom knew he wanted to get back on track with his eating habits but under the strain of experiencing mental health issues the ability to do this was extremely difficult indeed. In 2019 Tom had been diagnosed with Anxiety, Depression, and Body Dysmorphia Disorder. Difficulties within the workplace and a relationship breakdown had left Tom feeling out of control. So, how did Tom get back up? That is the question! When mental health bangs on your door how can we even begin to think about self-care and weight loss? This episode details the journey Tom was able to take back into healthy eating and back into the driving seat. Currently, Tom has lost over 4 stone and you can follow his weight loss and fitness antics on Instagram. Such a breath of fresh air! @fightfatwithtom.

Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
The first weigh-in after Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year! With bloated bellies and a wardrobe full of good intentions, we walk the green mile destination unknown. Does this sound dramatic enough!? In fact, we have all most likely over-indulged over Christmas and would have had to either have lived like a saint or caught the flu to have escaped a gain on the scales. Today's episode is all about honesty facing the new year and looking at our focus and goal setting. I have made the brave decision to document my weight loss for 2020 in part 1 of my “not so secret slimming diary”. In January after we step on the scales our good intentions are set in stone. I’m unsure it's due to the fact that we've eaten our body weight in chocolate that encourages a healthy lifestyle or the realization that living off such a high-calorie intake isn't all what its cracked up to be! I promise to update the podcast with regular updates as I tackle my food baby! There will be moments of temper and calm, wobbles and resistance as I face my weight issues head-on in 2020.

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Collapsing on the floor within a Marks and Spencers changing room was a great day for Gina! Moment’s before Gina had chosen a pair of size 8 jeans to try on and amidst the excitement and screams of exhilaration that the jeans actual fit Gina had found herself in a giggling heap on the changing room floor! Rewind 12 months earlier and size 8 jeans would have been a far cry from the dress size that Gina had grown accustomed to. A family wedding and an unflattering photo having avoided so many photo opportunities gave Gina a wake-up call to take action. Gina explains how she had been overweight for 20 years and excess weight had caused her health problems, feeling out of breath and experiencing pain in her knees became a daily occurrence. Having lost over 8 stone in weight with Slimming World and feeling fit and healthy running and Zumba are frequently on Gina's time table. Half Italian Gina was able to enjoy her recent holiday to Italy soaking up the sights in her beautiful new wardrobe and enjoying a flight with so much leg space! Fastened in her seat belt and feeling the space that surrounded her brought Gina to tears, happy tears that were symbolic of a new lifestyle for Gina without restrictions.

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Episode 7, Johanna Peralta shares her Keto weight loss.
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Johanna Peralta knew things had to change, her eating habits had been poor for as long as she could remember and feeling unable to stick to any healthy eating plan had a negative impact on her confidence.
The help came in the form of a neighbor who had followed the Keto plan and rather than quickly dive into making changes Johanna took time to research this new way of eating to see if this was something that would work for her. Johanna confessed to having tried the maple syrup “Beyonce” diet along with Slim Fast. Nothing had worked like Keto did and now Johnna is mentoring others around the Keto way of life or as Johanna would like to call it “latina_livin_keto”.Trying out new recipes is now one of Johanna's passions so much so that she has dedicated an Instagram account to posting beautifully prepared tasty Keto-friendly meals, the cheesecake looks amazing!
You can find Johanna on Instagram at latina_livin_keto or contact Johanna for 121 mentoring email address: johanna@latinalivinketo.com

Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Has your doctor ever encouraged you to improve your health by losing a few pounds? If so you will be able to relate to Aoife Larking my guest on this week’s podcast. It’s fair to say that Aoife’s doctor cut straight to the point when announcing that if Aoife didn’t do anything about her eating habit's that her friends and family would be carrying her out in a box! Harsh, shocking words that hit home to Aoife that shook Aoife into taking action and finding sanctuary with Slimming World. Aoife was 25 stone 9lb when she stepped on the scales at her 1st weigh-in and has had an astonishing weight loss of 14 stone 10lb. Aoife's weight loss and her mobility around the stairs in her home resulted in a fall midway through her weight loss journey but this didn’t stop Aoife. After falling on her staircase suffering a break to her pelvis, tailbone and fractured femur Aoife didn’t give in and the weight loss continued.
A walking challenge came Aoife’s way and with improved fitness, she agreed to the challenge. Aoife had, in fact, agreed to climb the highest mountain in Ireland “Carrauntoohill”, and with no training, after all, "it was just a walk" Aoife well and truly conquered the mountain! From feeling breathless after walking 3 steps of her staircase to thousands of steps Aoife has come such a long way in more ways than one. Another wonderful lady sharing her story to inspire you into taking action….what are you waiting for!

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Episode 5, Michelle Cook and her inspirational fitness journey.
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Michelle Cook had a love of fitness and anything sports-related during her time at school. This had seemed a distant memory after Michelle had children and her needs had taken a back burner. Feeling uncomfortable in her clothes Michelle found support at her local Leisure center with regular swimming lessons, gym classes, and group cardio workouts. However, the local Council had money constraints due to government cutbacks and the village’s Leisure center had to close leaving Michelle downhearted. Then came the saving grace of a new private gym allowing Michelle to rekindle her fitness flame. Michelle’s new gym owner encouraged Michelle to take up some new challenges and the rest is history. Tough mudder and Iron man competition are now among Michelle's achievements. If you're in need of a motivational fix Michelle is just the ticket to show you all you need is a willingness to start.

Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Episode 4, Emma Issacs and food temptation's during the holiday season.
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Life is busy in the Emma Issacs household and making time to stop and relax while taking in the holiday’s can be easier said than done. Emma works as a freelance designer and balances this with raising two young children. In this week’s episode, Emma and I talk honestly about food temptations during the holiday season and delegating some free time to switch off. Trick or treat can send cravings into overdrive as we decide like Emma a treat a day while on holiday or full blow out! I know many people have dreaded the temptations that half term brings whether away on holiday or days outs with the kids. Emma Issacs will give food for thought around the conversation we have around our children and discuss taking the pressure off as holidays are a precious time to be enjoyed. Or if your anything like my husband and I a waterpark holiday in Spain plays second fiddle to Anime, Peaky Blinders, Riverdale and YouTube!

Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Julie Upton decided to start running triggered by the loss of a loved one and wanting to raise money for a cancer charity in memory of her beloved Liz. Liz was a special lady who had helped to care for both Julie and her sister when her own mum struggled with her mental health. Taking part in “Race For Life” was Julie's way of showing Liz her gratitude in saving Julie and her sister from being taken into care and recognition for the Love she felt for Liz. Julie took action and picked up her old school trainers partially chewed by her dog and with a baseball cap to maintain her anonymity set off! To put this into perspective Julie had not just left school and was aged 33 when she thought learning to run in her old school trainers was a great idea! This was the start of Julie's running ventures and didn't start and stop from her house to the lamp post at the top of her street. Julie went on to run the London marathon surrounded by the love of her family and new running family.