Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Podcast Episode re-run.
Ashli Sterling had tried many fad diets but having previously worked as a Slimming World consultant Ashli knew that she had the tools at hand to make the necessary health changes she longed for. 2020 is due to be a big year for Ashli and amidst Covid 19 she seems to be taking all of the chaos in her stride with an exuberance of confidence Ashli explains this wasn't always the case.
For Ashli dropping dress sizes from a U.K size 16 to a U.K size 8 has given her confidence a huge boost and she had never thought she would be halving her dress size. Ashli talks about her love for food and her desire to show others how preparing tasty food doesn't have to be complex and how taking snapshots as a blogger on Instagram played an integral part in her weight loss journey. Ashli reached her goal weight long before plans of a wedding making Ashli's success all the more sweeter with no pressure to slim down for the big day. Ashli's commitment to her weight loss gifted her with the power of choice both on her plate and in the wedding boutique.
If you have enjoyed Ashlie’s Slimming Story you can follow her journey ashli_sw
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Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
August re run:
Who wouldn't want to appear on the front cover of a slimming magazine!? This is truly a glamorous place to show up in your full transformation glory after the hard work of weight loss. This week's episode is with Dominique Withers, the cover girl of Slimming World magazine March & April edition 2020.
I love a good weight loss magazine showing a transformation story and there haven't been many months since the age of 18 that I haven't bought both the Weight Watchers magazine and Slimming World magazine’s not forgetting Rosemary Connely back in the 90’s! Before Instagram and Facebook magazines were our only source of inspiration outside of our slimming classes.
Dominique shares her experience of the photoshoot and her slimming journey. This episode shows how losing two dress sizes can still have a positive impact on your body confidence. Dominique has also found a new love for running and how lockdown and the Instagram community have provided her with a chance to work towards new goals supporting the NHS. If you're in need of inspiration and know nothing about the Instagram community that is waiting to support and inspire you Dominque agrees that this has been a game-changer.
If you have enjoyed listening to Dominique’s story you can follow Dominique on Instagram @slimmingworld_dominique
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You will receive a free relax and restore hypnotherapy track to enjoy at your leisure with V.I.P access to my new podcast following very soon.
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Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
20 years post-operation Hayley discusses how challenging her mindset and putting in place tools to help her focus on a positive outlook is still a challenge and a working progress.
Slimming World and healthy meal planning is also part of this episode, if you're asking yourself how or why you would have surgery only to gain weight I thought exactly the same.
Hayley explains the finer details of the gastric band procedure and this has definitely been a learning experience for me.
Hayley has been so generous in this interview to share her mental health struggles and we truly go deep into discussing mental health and how to manage this while on a slimming journey.
This episode is truly golden. If you have ever struggled with focus due to experiencing mental health issues this episode is catered just for you.
I could write a million’s words to describe my gratitude towards Hayley sharing her struggles in the hope of helping others…... so don't waste your time reading! Listen to part two of Hayley's slimming story and you will hear how exercise and a healthy lifestyle are helping Hayley beyond belief.
If you have enjoyed listening to Hayley's story you can follow Hayley on Instagram @hayleyrunlikely
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
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You will receive a free relax and restore hypnotherapy track to enjoy at your leisure with V.I.P access to my new podcast following very soon.
Click on the link and enjoy!

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Podcast Episode re-run.
This week Hayley Grocock shares a refreshingly honest slimming story covering her issues with her own mental health having been diagnosed with anxiety and depression 20 years ago.
Hayley is a very busy lady and the lockdown has found her working from home in her role as a CEO of a charity while managing homeschooling with her 6-year-old son.
Hayley definitely doesn't hold back in this episode and even discusses the “mummy wine” culture that she once felt was justified after finishing a hard day's work to help with relaxation.
Hayley is also my first guest to discuss medical intervention to aid weight loss after undergoing a gastric bypass in 2008, this is something I knew very little about and this interview was certainly a learning experience for me.
Doctors had always recommended exercise to Hayley to help with depression and at 19 stone Hayley couldn't think of anything worse than reaching for her trainers. Having now completed the London Marathon Hayley wished she had started running years ago, it seems that the medical professionals had hit the nail on the head and now Hayley would not be without her running shoes.
This is part 1 of Hayley's slimming story…….to be continued shortly.
If you have enjoyed listening to Hayley's story you can follow Hayley on Instagram @hayleyrunlikely
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- V.I.P access to my new upcoming podcast is only available as an email subscriber and not yet available on Itunes.
- Free hypnotherapy download.
You will receive a free relax and restore hypnotherapy track to enjoy at your leisure with V.I.P access to my new podcast following very soon.
Click on the link and enjoy!

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
This episode has been on my mind since I first published the podcast in 2019.
To share or not to share a little of what brought me to face my fears of showing up in the world of podcasting.
This will give you an insight into why I am able to podcast and why fear doesn't hold me back.
In my old life as I now refer to it my sense of self-worth had been put to the test and while my friends and family had begged me to make better choices I just felt trapped.
The fear was real and I was up to my neck and sinking fast.
This episode dusts over some of the challenges that I experienced and my journey to a restored sense of self with improved confidence with the help of hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy has been a passion of mine for years and having taken the plunge to add this to my therapy toolkit along with counseling and psychotherapy I wanted to share my journey with you.
Hypnotherapy can complement any weight loss and fitness plan and I'm sending you a free relax and restore hypnotherapy download to help you to relax and boost your self-esteem.
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- V.I.P access to my new upcoming podcast is only available as an email subscriber and not yet available on Itunes.
- Free hypnotherapy download.
Click on the link and enjoy!
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway!

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Jade talks openly about how being overweight and living in a U.K size 22 dress size affected her physically and mentally. Having adopted a routine of work and returning back to bed during the day resulted in low mood and depression and how this has now changed beyond belief.
Most people reading this having a human experience will have had those days where they simply want to rest and do little in terms of getting up and about out of the house. For Jade, this was more than an occasional feeling of lack of energy when she found herself returning back to bed during the daytime with food as part of her daily routine.
Fast forward to today and the contrast is astoundingly different, Jade who once chose to take a taxi for short journeys now sets her intention to get out of bed in the morning an hour earlier to start the day with a morning walk. Achieving a daily step total of 20k is something that Jade will often achieve as she has experienced newfound energy after losing 7 stone following the Slimming World plan.
Jade makes it clear in this episode that she is only human and still has days when she feels low but that the frequency of this is so much less and Jade explains what she describes as the “push through”, those times that she really doesn't want to leave the house but takes the first step to setting her daily intention resulting in exercise and an altered state of mind.
Now Jade has both a great relationship with food and along with her constant support of a loving partner and family Jade feels happier and healthier with so much more energy that her family can't always keep up with!
This is a beautifully inspiring transformation story of how in 11 months Jade was able to lose 7 stone and regain control over food.
You can find Jade on Instagram @slimming_world_wilko
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Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
David, like many of the podcast guests, felt like a bigger child at school and actually approached his mum for diet advice. It's not often that a 14-year-old child will take action to change their weight but that's exactly what David did. David recalls how he didn't look as big as he had felt as a child. With intentions to reduce weight David followed a diet of cottage cheese, not his favourite food!
Another attempt at weight loss led David to follow the Atkins diet and he achieved success but found this way of eating too restrictive. There are many reasons why healthy eating plans and diets are hard to maintain and when David became the carer for his wife when she was diagnosed with cancer along with working from home and looking after his son food was not his number one priority.
This episode is a brave account of a real slimming journey and after losing his wife to Cancer David’s focus was to manage life while facing his own grief and being there for his son.
When receiving a diagnosis of high blood pressure meant that the operation that David needed was refused this became David's motivation to change.
David has changed his health outlook with the help of Slimming World and found peace with a newfound love of running which was certainly a surprise to David. Couch to 5k was next on the agenda and at 19 stone this didn't deter David, the determination to improve his fitness willed him along the path of change.
This episode pulls no punches, if you have a million and one reasons why the week ahead is too busy to commit to your health just listen to what is possible even during difficult times.
You can follow Davids weight loss journey over on Instagram @nornironman
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Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
This is a rerun of Gareth's Slimming Story from episode 14, if you're in need of some motivation for the week ahead look no further!
At what point do we stop and take a reality check of how our excess weight impacts our health? Gareth knew that he needed to find a solution to his weight issues but was unable to find a diet or eating plan that allowed him to eat normal food that was sustainable.
As a result of Gareth’s increasing weight, he found that his health was at risk as he became tired as a result of being unable to have a restful night's sleep. Sleep Apnea was affecting Gareth in a big way leaving him unable to engage fully with his daughter due to tiredness and putting his safety at risk at work as he tried to work through his lack of sleep. Gareth's G.P appointment was the light bulb moment he needed to take action and he found a slimming group that offered support and friendship that would help him to take back control of his health and his life.
You can follow Gareth’s slimming journey on Instagram @gazgriffin86
Slimming Stories podcast is produced by Claire Oldham - West and you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram: @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Introducing Hannah to the second part of her slimming story bringing more inspiration for your week ahead.
Hannah has already created a bucket list to include trips to theme parks, something that Hannah struggled with when she was at her largest size. For 10 years Hannah talks about how she missed out on the rides after being unable to fit in a carriage. That is all now in the past and having enjoyed Disneyland Paris with her daughter Hannah is able to fit in the seats without any problems whatsoever!
Hannah gives an insight into the reality of what a dramatic weight loss can look like and discusses the very important topic of loose skin. While loose skin is something Hannah has accepted there are plans for Hannah to have surgery to remove this due to the health complications this can bring. Luckily Hannah's online supporters have helped to raise funds through a just giving page and a consultation with a surgeon is one step closer.
If you would like to help Hannah with her dream of skin removal surgery you can click on the link below to submit your donation.
You can continue to follow Hannahs weight loss journey on Instagram @thefunnymummydoesslimmingworld
You can join the Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:

Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Having lost 13 stone Hannah has transformed her health and fitness beyond measure. On Instagram Hannah describes herself as the "funny mummy" - and having previously worked as an entertainment rep for 4 years I can 100 percent agree that Hannah has the ability to connect with people and bring on the laughter.
In this episode Hannah explains how the key to weight loss and fitness success is that something has to click, Hannah believes there has to be a moment that allows you to stop in your tracks for change to begin.
That click moment came for Hannah while celebrating her 30th Birthday party listening to her friends announce “life begins at 30!” Hannah is very honest about how she had felt during that time and how her mental health had deteriorated to a dark place of self-reflection. Hannah recalls how at the party she questioned what would happen if she continued not to take her doctor's advice and lose weight, Hannah realised she wanted to be healthy for her daughter and this led Hannah to take action.
You will hear how Hannah chose to blind weigh fearing the number on the scales and how she has found a warm welcome and new friends within the Slimming World community.
Part two will follow next week! Enjoy.
You can continue to follow Hannahs weight loss journey on Instagram @thefunnymummydoesslimmingworld
You can join the Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
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