Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Feeling body confident after weight loss is a fantastic feeling, falling pregnant knowing the weight needs to come off again takes determination……..something that Victoria has stacks of! Victoria is a busy working mum of two and explains how she finds time to balance self-care, work, motherhood, and planning meals for the week that she enjoys with her husband and young family! If you can relate to Victoria’s busy life and in need of inspiration to stick to plan this week’s episode will show you that gaining control of your weight is possible no matter what challenges lay ahead. While people in the U.K focused on their health and fitness goals in January Victoria’s home was surrounded by smog living within 2 hours of the fire in Australia and tending to the patients affected by the fire as a nurse in her day job. Victoria has resilience and determination that has helped her to lose 2 stone 11lb after the birth of her second child and does not show any signs of stopping or allowing anything to stand in her way. After recording this episode Victoria continues to work as a nurse during Covid and manages to find time to commit to her weight loss as a WW Ambassador.
You can follow Victoria’s weight loss journey on Instagram, her food looks amazing! victoria.on.ww Victoria has also featured in a Weight Watchers book, a true pocket-rocket on inspiration!
You can follow Victoria on Instagram @victoria.on.ww
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
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Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Episode 51 Lindsey Duffy shares the challenges she recognised post weight loss realising the weight loss had gone too far.
Lindsey felt uncomfortable in her size 14/16 clothes and rather than join a local weight loss group Lindsey joined several online forums who followed the Slimming World plan.
Lindsey suffers from anxiety and the very thought of walking into a local weight loss group was simply terrifying. Success was on the horizon for Lindsey who was able to lose her excess weight and reach her goal weight-reducing her dress size from a U.K size 14/16 to 8. Lindsey found herself asking what next!? The weight had come off, she was happy with the number of the scales so now what?
For Lindsey attending a gym was another big no-no but she was able to push back negative thoughts and start attending a gym that held classes too. This would be Lindsey's new goal, a toned body.
Lindsey loved the gym, the feeling of accomplishment after a workout gave Lindsey a great buzz and really helped her manage her anxiety.
At this point, Lindsey's obsession with her body became more clear as the scales reduced further as Lindsey recalls looking neither fit nor healthy. The challenge came in increasing the number on the scales, this felt quite alien at first but over time Lindsey was able to increase the number on the scales and focus on looking after her new lean shape with the help of healthy food and a sensible workout schedule.
You can follow Lindsey on Instagram @slimming.gym.and.gin
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram. @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
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Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Episode 50, part 2, Elisha Langridge discusses mind-full eating and her detachment from labeling food as good or bad.
In part 2 of Elisha's slimming story, Elisha declares that all food is food and how she looked at the labels given to food to see if this was hindering her weight loss progress. Elisha is now more mindful of her food choices and asks herself how the food she is planning to prepare will make her feel.
Elisha now eats consciously and guilt-free while following a healthy balanced diet with Weight Watchers. Elisha has also discovered the benefits of moving more and choosing exercise she enjoys.
In the past exercise was purely a means to an end. In the past exercise was part of Elisha's routine as this helped her create a calorie deficit and Elisha was transfixed on this and had lost sight of the possibility of any exercise being enjoyable.
Exercise for Elisha is a total contrast having recognised the feel-good effects of running, walking and HIIT classes choosing to take part in activities she loves and actually enjoying the process.
This week's episode is refreshing as Elisha opens up about her views on realistic social media, weight loss, mindfulness, and re energising her body after a stressful day at work.
You can follow Elisha on Instagram @rainbow_room
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
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Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Elisha has struggled with the impact of being overweight for most of her life. Time at school was an awakening to childhood taunts about her size. Luckily for Elisha, a loving home provided support with a family that helped Elisha provide healthy packed lunches after a doctor suggested weight loss at age 10.
There was a time that Elisha had found herself in a binge diet cycle and for a long time Elisha struggled to have a healthy relationship with food. I think we've all been guilty of being super strict with a healthy eating plan in the week, saving treats and calories for a blow out at the weekend!? This had become a pattern for Elisha until she recognised that she wanted a health overhaul and Elisha found this by following the WW plan.
Now Elisha is a WW Ambassador and has made friends with food and shows how to cook and prepare healthy nutritious food to satisfy hunger and the eyes!
Elisha's Instagram rainbow_room is full of tasty food ideas with plant-based treats that look far from drab and would inspire anyone to transform their unhealthy plates and break the cycle of binge diet weight loss.
You can follow Elisha on Instagram @rainbow_room
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
Click on the link to download your free meal planner…...just keep swimming!

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Episode 48, Tom Farrow shares how he was able to lose over 10 stone and challenge his secret eating.
Tom's intention to lose weight always started well.
Unfortunately for Tom these intentions only lasted for a few days. Monday mornings always seem like a great day to start and many Monday mornings for Tom felt like "the" Monday.....the special Monday that magic would happen!
Does any of this sound familiar!? Tom's behavior around food was out of control, secret eating in his car to and from work was commonplace. The not so secret office treat table was always there to offer its service with regular celebratory biscuits and cakes that can help tipple any determined dieter over the edge.
Tom has now reclaimed his power and since joining Slimming World Tom has lost over 10 stones and gained so much more. To Tom's surprise, he has found a healthy way to make a Kebab!
Tom met his fiance at his weight loss group and the before and after transformation now includes Tom's son Alfie. Life couldn't be any more different for Tom. Tom was so inspired by the weight loss plan that he now works helping other people to lose weight s as a consultant.
You can follow Tom on Instagram @slim_with_tomf
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
Click on the link to download your free meal planner…...just keep swimming!

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
12 months of podcasting has actually happened! This episode is a celebration of the podcast after 12 months and an insight into how I launched a podcast feeling the fear with every fibre of my body!
Being alive during the COVID pandemic is like living in a negative groundhog day! I am living proof that working towards a goal even when circumstances are far from perfect is achievable.
Challenging myself and taking myself out of my comfort zone is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. The purpose of this episode is to show you that despite the sh*t storm you may be living through you can still show up for yourself and work towards your goals. Forget the “I can't” belief that you have held onto for years, I will explain how you can re-write those negative stories and start afresh.
Give yourself some grace, offer yourself some forgiveness, and look at the stories you tell yourself. If you want to re-write your happy ending I'm hoping this episode will inspire you to do that.
Weight loss and fitness goals can be challenging, before we've even started we've often convinced ourselves we will fail.
If this sounds all too familiar it's time to rewrite your story.
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
Click on the link to download your free meal planner…...just keep swimming!

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Episode 46, Ashley Owen opens up about binge eating.
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Episode 46, Ashley Owen opens up about binge eating.
Have you ever thought that your issues around food rotate around a pattern of binge eating? Do you ever have days and weeks of good intentions only to find yourself mindlessly eating with self-control a distant memory?
This week's guest talks openly and honestly about binge eating and living with and managing her urge to eat. This episode is a deep dive into Ashley's relationship with food, binge eating has definitely stopped me in my tracks when I've had good intentions.
Ashley has sought professional help for her patterns of behavior around binge eating and discusses the help that has been useful and offers advice on how she has managed this over the years.
Recently Ashley set out on her own journey of self-discovery and found that videoing her need to purge on food helped Ashley to learn and understand her behaviors around food more than ever. Initially, Ashley decided to keep these videos private but has since gone public to help inspire other people who can relate to having succumbed to binge eating.
You can follow Ashley on Instagram @urgewarrioress
Head over to YouTube and search for Urge Warrioress to see Ashleys videos.
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
Click on the link below to download your free meal planner…...just keep swimming!

Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Tom joined me as a guest on episode 10 of Slimming Stories when he explained that he had lost weight and was refocusing after a difficult time. Episode 10 was recorded in 2019 long before COVID had ever been common knowledge. Who knew at this time that a worldwide pandemic was on the horizon.
For many people who use food as a comfort lockdown has been very difficult being surrounded by lots of time to comfort eat. At the start of the pandemic, this is exactly what Tom was worried about. Ironically 2020 and the luxury of time to refocus and recharge Tom has found great success with his weight loss and fitness goals.
Tom explains how he's discovered new foods and loves having time for food preparation and taking new walks in the area that he lives in. Tom had struggled with Body Dysmorphia in 2019 but after having time to reflect Tom explains how the nagging voice that was Body Dysmorphia has quieted down.
We are living in strange times and we all need to hear the brilliance of a transformation story in particular from Tom who had been in such a bad place in 2019. Tom has over time been able to turn things around and feel healthy both mentally and physically. Such a hero's journey with a very happy ending.
You can follow Tom’s slimming journey on Instagram @fightfatwithtom
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
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Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Episode 44, Resilience rerun with Gina Dean who lost over 8 stone with Slimming World.
Collapsing on the floor within a Marks and Spencers changing room was a great day for Gina! Moment’s before Gina had chosen a pair of size 8 jeans to try on amidst the excitement and screams of exhilaration that the jeans actually fit Gina had found herself in a giggling heap on the changing room floor! Rewind 12 months earlier and size 8 jeans would have been a far cry from the dress size that Gina had grown accustomed to. A family wedding and an unflattering photo having avoided so many photo opportunities gave Gina a wake-up call to take action. Gina explains how she had been overweight for 20 years and excess weight had caused her health problems, feeling out of breath, and experiencing pain in her knees became a daily occurrence. Having lost over 8 stone in weight with Slimming World and feeling fit and healthy running, Zumba is frequently on Gina's time table. Half Italian Gina was able to enjoy her recent holiday to Italy soaking up the sights in her beautiful new wardrobe and enjoying a flight with so much leg space! Fastened in her seat belt and feeling the space that surrounded her brought Gina to tears, happy tears that were symbolic of a new lifestyle for Gina without restrictions.
You can follow Gina’s slimming journey on Instagram @gina.dean
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
Click on the link to download your free meal planner…...just keep swimming!

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Years of negative self-talk had conditioned Lisa to react to all compliments suspiciously. In this weeks’ episode, Lisa explains how she just didn't believe the compliments people gave her and would shrug them off in disbelief.
After Lisa's divorce, Lisa found herself as a single mum sitting in therapy wondering what she needed to do next to get her life back on track. Although Lisa had started to lose weight and wanted to be and feel healthier she recognized that she just didn't love herself. Years of neglecting her self care meant that even when she did lose some weight this did not impact positively on her self image as she had lost her way. While going through therapy Lisa decided to start running, with running Lisa was able to reconnect with her Mojo and the rest is history!
Lisa now offers coaching and nutrition advice for those in need and knows all too well the struggles people face when trying to improve their health and fitness.
Lisa talks about how energized going for a run makes her feel and how with the help of running and good nutrition Lisa has transformed her life.
This episode is jam-packed full of inspiration and motivation to help challenge a negative mindset. If the idea of loving yourself seems an odd idea to have, Lisa insists that this is a necessary goal before any weight loss and fitness journey.
Lisa offers a great insight into her own self-care journey to help you get started.
You can find Lisa Marie Delugo by following her journey on her Facebook page and subscribing to her podcast and on Instagram, just search for “not your average mother runner”.
Facebook page: @notyouraveragemotherrunner
Instagram: not your average mother runner
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
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