Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Kym is such a breath of fresh air showing up on her Instagram account with her very brave body confidence posts. I must admit braving all to display cellulite and stretch marks isn't something I've had the nerve to do but this doesnt phase Kym one bit!
Kym talks openly of the pressures of comparing her body to that of an image that has been filtered to within an inch of its life and how although body image on social media is now a lot more honest Kym has to check her self-talk from time to time.
Being 5 foot 5 Kym talks of how she once would compare her body stats to other 5 foot 5 women and wonder why she didn't see the same image as her own. Things have changed a lot for Kym since having her daughter and reflect on her journey having lost 9 stone in weight with Slimming World.
Kym explains how it was hard to see the transformation that had taken place and when a friend known to Kim as her “small friend” suggested that Kym could borrow a hoodie Kym was bowled over that she was able to fit into the same clothes as her friend!!
This is as always a very honest podcast episode and Kym talks of being in a cycle of abusive relationships and how this had affected her self-esteem entering into a relationship as a size 8 and leaving a size 20. Kym talks openly about being a single mum and we compare experiences having lived the life of a single mum myself for 3 years.
This episode is packed to the brim of resilience and inspiration and Kym was an absolute joy, full of determination that will help to inspire you into supercharging your own weight loss and fitness plans.
You can show your support by following Kym @the.life.of.a.fitness.mum over on Instagram.
Facebook Group, Instagram, and Clubhouse.
You can join all three by clicking on the links below.
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Kelly recalls being bullied about her weight and how she mastered the face of confidence as a coping mechanism through primary and secondary school.
Throughout Kelly's adult years being big and bubbly was a banner that Kelly was proud of and in public, she was able to walk tall with unfaltering confidence. Although Kelly had noticed changes in her health that caused problems, weight loss didn't seem to hold any momentum for Kelly due to holding onto an outdated notion that weight loss came with restriction.
Kelly had previously joined Slimming World and armed with her “restrict '' outdated mindset Kelly was confused why she didn't see the results on the scales...after all she was starving!! Kelly was hungry and had reduced her food intake but hadn’t stuck to the Slimming World plan.
Does any of this sound familiar? Have you paid to attend weight loss groups such as Slimming World and Weight Watchers only to leave class and do what the hell you felt like!? This makes absolutely no sense right!! I have been there trust me if this resonates you are not on your own.
Kelly was determined to lose weight after a video taken on holiday was posted on Facebook, Kelly was mortified and once again joined Slimming World this time losing 9 stone in weight. The change came for Kelly when she realised the amount of food she could eat with no need for hunger pangs. Kelly is a great inspiration and explains the positive impact changing her diet mindset has had on her life. What are you waiting for!?
Facebook Group, Instagram, and Clubhouse.
You can join all three by clicking on the links below.
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone: Saturday 7.30 p.m (U.K time zone G.M.T)

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
In today's episode, I talk about the mindset that is needed before we start to commit to goals.
Have we really forgotten what success looks like?
Are we convinced that success is a thing of the past when it comes to the goals we set for ourselves?
I will show you an exercise that will help you to practice reconnecting to your most successful moments and to understand that feeling those great feelings of success is just a habit that we need to practice.
This month has definitely been a month of feeling the fear as I explain how it felt to leave my corporate job after 16 years!
This has definitely been a time that I've had to exercise a positive mindset to get me through negative chitter-chatter.
If you're facing a weigh day that is filling you with dread before you even look at the goal you have in mind, think about your internal dialogue to
make sure this is aligned with your goal for the best possible outcome.
Life is busy, it's so easy to forget that if you've previously had weight loss success that this is truly possible again.
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Click on this link to join.
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
When you imagine a success story would you include 40 weight gains? In part two of Phil's Slimming Story Phil explains how setbacks are part of a weight loss journey. I really hope if you're struggling with sticking to any weight loss plan that this is music to your ears!
There is no such thing as a perfect weight loss journey and this episode will allow you to realise that struggles are o.k and normal and if Phil’s weight loss journey includes setbacks then it's clear that getting back on track is always possible.
Phil talks about how having a positive mantra has allowed him to view life and opportunities in a whole new light. Now having applied his mantra to his weight loss journey and dating Phil is living proof that challenging a negative mindset can have the very best positive outcomes.
Please be sure to follow Phil on Instagram @phil.kayes.sw
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Click on this link to join.
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Phil knew he had an issue with his relationship with food and he knew that his health was suffering. The concerns Phil had were also echoed by his friends and family but the change did not flow from conflict following talking about his weight although many were worried about Phil and his large size.
Kindness came in the form of a friend who introduced Phil to Slimming World and this was the start of Phil re-educating himself around food.
Phil’s journey to eating a healthy plate was a challenging one having had a free reign of his parent's sweet shop as a child and eating processed convenience food along with takeaway treats. Phil talks about how for years as an adult he socialised and worked in pubs and how this had formed his staple diet.
This podcast episode is truly remarkable to think that someone like Phil who had struggled for so many years with his relationship with food was able to turn things around. Life for Phil now bears no resemblance to how he lived in the past and I can't wait for you to be inspired by Phil’s honest weight loss journey.
This is part one of Phil's Slimming Story with part two to follow next week.
Prepare to be inspired!
Please be sure to follow Phil on Instagram @phil.kayes.sw
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Click on this link to join.
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Melanie was disheartened, she had wanted to lose weight but having started the Slimming World Plan on Monday she found herself tucking into a Kebab by Wednesday!
What had happened and why hadn't this worked for Melanie? Melanie had a chat with her friend who invited her over to figure out what had gone wrong. It seems that Melanie had been stuck in a diet mentality. You know the one! The diet mentality of eat salad, don't eat pasta, restrict the potatoes and fill up on veg & fruit…..that one!
Luckily Melanie's friend had knowledge of the plan and challenged the meals that Melanie had chosen to eat for being too small. Eat more eggs, add bacon & beans these words were like music to Melanie's ears as it seemed that Melanie had not eaten enough. No wonder a kebab was on the cards! Now Melanie loves to see Instagram posts of new meals that take her fancy that she can try out at home.
Melanie’s dress size has changed from a 20/22 to a 12/14 and having found a love for running Melanie is loving her new body shape. After Melanie's blip at the start, she got straight back on track and lost weight in her first week and every week for a year. Inspiration is a click away, please show your support for my show by subscribing wherever you listen to the podcast!
If you have enjoyed listening to Mellanie’s story you can follow Mellanie on Instagram @mellie_sw_
I would also love to invite you to join the “Slimming Stories” Facebook group by clicking on the link below.
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
We're a month away from the start of spring and while everything around us is all prepared for change the noise of lockdown can still be a little intense and result in leaving us feeling that it’s too dark for the bright spring flowers.
I'm here to speak during this uncertain time and dispel the myth that change and focus are not possible when each day is surrounded by uncertainty.
If there was ever a degree awarded for living during uncertainty and negativity I would be awarded a master's! In Spite of the background noise, I will show you how being able to commit to just 15 minutes a day will help you reconnect with your “why” and really allow you to focus on your health and fitness goals for 2021.
You are worth investing time in for self-development and all you need to do is just commit to starting.
I would also love to invite you to join the “Slimming Stories” Facebook group by clicking on the link below. I will be showing up during the week and I would love to see you there!
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
In this episode I reference Julia Cameron's book “The Artist’s Way” this book is a game-changer and can offer insight to everyone even if you're not on a creative path. The truth is everyone is creative! You show me a child that isn't able to paint a picture! life can get busy and this book will help you to connect to your authentic self. It's amazing and is also available on Audible.

Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Kirsty Lee has changed her dress size from a size 16/18 to a UK size 10 all in the name of health and the desire to set a good example for her daughter.
Kirsty was able to have an open and honest conversation with her doctor after experiencing pain from an issue with a condition Kirsty has had with her hip for many years. Kirsty left her consultation with her doctor with those words hitting the spot that would help motivate Kirsty to make positive changes to her diet and exercise to relieve the pressure from her hip by reducing her weight.
Just like many listeners to the podcast, this wasn't the first time Kirsty had embarked on a decision to lose weight but something had changed after her conversation with her doctor. Kirsty wanted to be fit and well and spend quality family time with her daughter. Sitting on the sidelines as an onlooker was no longer on the agenda for Kirsty.
Not only does Kirsty give you an insight into her weight loss journey with Slimming World Kirsty also openly admits to the reality of being at target weight but still seeing herself as a fat person.
This is a great honest episode as Kirsty also discusses the reality of the pressure of trying to fulfill all aspects of her life as many women do with sheer perfection! Kirsty discusses what triggers her in terms of working as a full-time mum with the pressure of keeping up with everything else as we both disclose our experiences of “mum guilt”.
You can follow Kirsty on Instagram @slimmingworld_kirstylee
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram.

Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
It takes a certain mindset to turn up to your teaching job with a back ready for the bell to ring to start your summer travels. This to me sounds like a dream! This sounds so free-spirited and wonderful and no doubt if your reading this you're imagining how that would feel if you could do the same…..if you're honest!
Renee is half English and half Italian and growing up in Adelaide Australia it was no surprise that curiosity of her heritage was upon her ready to be explored.
Renee explains that she is aware that she was very privileged to be able to visit 30 countries by the time she was 30.
After falling in love and marrying her soulmate in Hawai Renee reveals how her husband’s health deteriorated. Renee talks about her commitment to holding everything together while working and visiting her husband in the hospital while pregnant.
Renee's Slimming Story is very humbling and this episode will help you to search for your own narrative about what is truly possible even in the darkest of times. Renee follows the Weight Watchers online plan and loves engaging with her followers on Instagram so please show some Insta love and give her a follow.
You can follow Renee on Instagram @healthy_ren
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram.

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Andy decided to make a change with his health after a scary experience of chest pains, luckily Andy didn't need medication or intervention. This was a momentous occasion for Andy that made him rethink his lifestyle choices.
Help had always been at hand with suggestions to improve his health and lose weight in the form of supportive friends and family. Nothing had previously been able to motivate Andy to make changes and Andy had even formed behaviors to manage his size such as using a lift to go up and down a flight of stairs at work. After the chest pains, Andy knew he had to take action.
In this episode, you will hear Andy talk through ideas of how to move away from the scales if the number on the scales is standing in your way of achieving your goal. Andy shares his commitment to a personal trainer who has helped Andy when Andy was worried that he wasn't able to maintain his weight loss.
From being out of breath just walking up and down a flight of stairs to taking part in football training and taking regular walks and PT sessions Andy’s health has improved dramatically and Andy is no longer on the sidelines.
You can follow Andy on Instagram @achievingandy
In this podcast episode, Andy mentions a football club, personal trainer, and a book. Please find the details below:
Football club information can be found on Instagram @manvfat
Personal trainer information can be found on Instagram @nasfitboss
Andy's book recommendation is for "The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*CK" by Mark Manson
Don't forget to follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram.
My own insight into Slimming World and Weight Watchers is based purely on my own experience and opinion. If you are interested in learning more about either of these weight loss groups and organizations please contact them directly.