Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
I could have gone radio silent.
I could have opted out on social media.
This week's episode is a time to touch base amidst the chaos and share my learnings with you.
This episode isn't perfect.
It's the least edited podcast episode to date.
Showing up for yourself in difficult times and not being swept away into a self pity party does not come easy but sometimes change is challenging.
I hope this episode will help anyone who needs to keep moving forward despite having a testing week or finding themself in challenging times.
Claire x

Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
For many men feeling uncomfortable in an overweight body with a surplus weight of 11 stone, the furthest thing from their minds would have been to reach for a mankini and strut their stuff!. It certainly takes an astonishing amount of self-worth and confidence to embrace such a look! However, Ross Smith had learned from a young age to get the jokes in before others had the chance, and finding a way to manage uncomfortable moments around negative talk about his weight was definitely a lot easier with the joy of good friendly banter and laughter.
Ross Smith was happy go lucky and although overweight he was content. Having a great family and circle of friends really had served Ross well. On a meeting with the mum of an old school friend Ross was dealt a loving slice of straight talk “Ross, you're a heart attack waiting to happen '' ... the wise words from Ethlene!
Ethlene the mum of an old school friend had welcomed Ross into their home as a young lad and it had been two years since Ethlene had seen Ross and her words came from a place of love and concern.
No doubt you can all relate to a moment in time just before change took place, the way you felt and the situation you had found yourself in alongside the people you shared that moment with.
Ross explains in this episode how after his marriage breakdown he found himself questioning his health and self-worth and knew exactly where those thoughts would lead if he didn't take action. Ethlene offered to take Ross... or rather told Ross that he was joining Slimming World and the rest is history!
If you're in need of inspiration and your fitness has been neglected Ross will also talk you through how swimming gave Ross the fitness incentive to start the couch to 5k that led to running a 10k. Ross has now found his niche with a love of walking.
You can follow Ross on Instagram @swrosssmith
Soon Ross will be climbing Mount Snowdon and raising money for a children's cancer charity. If you would like to support Ross on his journey you can donate by clicking on the link below.
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Slimming Stories Instagram:

Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
Amy’s weight loss journey led her all the way to running her own group as a Slimming World consultant.
Amy set her sights on losing 100lb after a relationship breakup and hasn't looked back since. Being able to deal with her food issues with the help of Slimming World allowed Amy to see and feel the impact of how this changed her life and how it was helping others. Inspired by her own slimming journey Amy decided to train as a Slimming World consultant and with that decision, the best was yet to come. Amy decided to join fellow slimmers to embark on the challenge to climb Mount Snowdon giving Amy the chance to meet other slimmers and to feel even more inspired by what is possible when you're in a position to challenge your mindset, Inspiration that Amy has been able to pass onto the Slimming group she now runs. In the past taking steps to track her food intake was not always received well by family members but now with her new slimming family, Amy has found a place to share her highs and lows with people that truly understand the challenges of a slimmer.
If you have enjoyed Amy's story you can follow her slimming journey on Instagram @aimsterlouise_sw
If you would like to donate to Amy's Mount Snowdon charity walk, please click on Amy’s just giving page below.
You can join the Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
This week's episode is with Lyndal Wimalasekera from Adelaide Australia. Lyndal embodies resilience and a positive mindset and having discovered Reels on Instagram Lyndal loves nothing more than to show up and cook with a dance thrown in for fun!
Lyndal firmly believes that it's really important to only focus on the things in your life that you can control and leave the things you can't. Lyndal has lost over 6 stone following the Weight Watcher plan and this episode explains how having a mood board has really helped her to achieve her goals with great success.
Despite the challenges that Lyndal has faced you will hear Lyndal talk about her life experiences and how she was able to deal with the darkest of days despite everything that has come her way.
Lyndal is really excited to have now been given the title of a WW Ambassador and I think this will be cause for more dancing on Reels and a possible YouTube channel in the making!
You can continue to follow Lyndal's weight loss journey on Instagram @lyndal.on.ww
You can join the Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Ruth Calvert was a bright and studious child, teen, and young woman throughout her years in education within school, college & University Ruth found herself subject to bullying due to her size. Maybe we can excuse children due to their age and not knowing better or teens as being too preoccupied to understand the hurt the bullying had caused but this continued at University & also into her working life. The frustration of her excess weight led to trying most diets that led to a short-term fix. Luckily Ruth found a diet that she was able to stick to and having lost 7 stone 5 lb Ruth is only a stone away from meeting her goal weight. Ruth’s story is refreshingly honest and I know you will be inspired by Ruth’s bravery in facing up to her food issues and quieting down those voices from her past.
You can show Ruth your support by following Ruth’s Slimming Journey on Instagram @ruthlouise_sw
You can join the Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Nicola describes how she sees her weight loss journey as different, there was no fixation of being a certain size or goal weight. Nicola knew her health was suffering from her excess weight and was determined to gain control.
Nicola explains that happiness is not a destination and recognises that people put so much emphasis on starting their weight loss journey by pinning happiness on a dress size or number on the scales. Having lost her mum to cancer and then her brother to addiction Nicola had many reasons to shy away from self-care and spend years comfort eating. Despite the loss, Nicola had gone through she started her own path to self-discovery several years before even starting a weight loss plan and this is what Nicola feels was the driving force to her successful weight loss.
Nicola was armed with a positive attitude and was in a good place when she stepped through the doors of a Slimming World class. While Nicola explains the weight loss process wasn't always easy she also believes that her journey of self-discovery enabled her to lose 12 and a half stone without losing sight of her goal.
This episode is a fantastic example of a reignited human spirit and such an inspiring story showing there's so much more to a weight loss transformation story that we normally see in magazines. Nicola shows the sheer determination and bravery that can come after living through the darkest times.
If you would like to follow Nicola on Instagram here is her Instagram handle @nicola_gets_slim
You can join the Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Sharlene Rowan joined me in my Facebook group to talk about her journey with weight loss and her focus to be more comfortable in her clothes ready for her best friend's Ibiza wedding in July. Sharlene has already changed her dress size from a size 26/28 to a U.K size 16.
This is the first FaceBook Group live I have published as a podcast episode, I feel it's still really important that while we listen to success stories of guests at their target weight that we still celebrate the weight loss and fitness journey that is in progress.
The intention is to have real relatable conversations, enjoy!
You can continue to follow Sharlene's weight loss journey on Instagram @sharlenerowan_sw
Click on the link to join the Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Kelly talks openly in this episode of how she no longer carries any guilt or shame around food, this has long gone and recently Kelly celebrated reaching her target weight and is thoroughly delighted.
Kelly was very quick to announce that her weight loss had taken her over 10 years to achieve, this was a process of self-discovery that wasn't just about the number on the scales. Patience, determination, and resilience certainly did pay off.
When Kelly had embarked on an intensive fitness regime over 10 weeks working out 6 days a week Kelly weighed only twice during this time and to Kelly's surprise while she was delighted that she had lost a dress size and 16 inches the scales only reduced by two pounds.
This was a game-changer for Kelly who had been so focused on the scales that she now recognised that a combination of exercise and healthy eating would produce the results that she had been waiting for.
I know this episode will truly inspire you, Kelly attended her fitness course weighing over 23 stone and continued to work on her fitness while eating a healthy diet. What can you put into place to give momentum to your weight and fitness goals?
I hope this episode will allow you to see what is truly possible when you take action and commit to your health and fitness journey.
You can continue to follow Kelly’s progress over on Instagram @catsmother_weightloss_journey
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Fiona was sick and tired of feeling tired, most evenings after work would result in a nap on arrival home, and being tired and lethargic was very much the norm for Fiona. Now imagine a runner, not just any runner. Imagine someone effortlessly running Marathons in a strong fit body reaching for her trainers before heading for the couch, this is now Fiona’s routine. Fiona now faces 2020 not only in a strong body but now equipped with a strong mind has been able to make peace with her relationship with food. There was no wonder drug or high-intensity workout plan with a restrictive diet, luckily Fiona found her sanctuary with Slimming World and achieved a successful weight loss of 5 stone.
You can follow Fiona's journey further on Instagram @fiona_slimmingworld_diaries
Facebook Group, Instagram, and Clubhouse.
You can join all three by clicking on the links below.
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Mark had never experienced issues with food as a child, teen, or young adult, this episode is rare as there is no back story of a poor relationship with food. On the contrary, Mark had an amazing love for life that he shared with the wife and daughters. Mark’s life was on track in many ways until an accident left Mark with an injury that quite literally changed his life.
The energy that Mark once had dwindled as he attended hospital appointments with specialists while taking strong medication that no longer enabled Mark to recognise any full sensation while eating and food became Mark's comfort along with alcohol.
Mark recalls how he simply just did not recognise his reflection as a 22 stone man.
Mark explains how the outcome of an operation turned around the impact of the accident and finally, Mark was able to take steps to address his health issues.
Do you believe in luck? Mark believes that the successful outcome of a complex operation was down to luck. I believe Mark's inner resilience was determined that he would make a comeback and although at this time Mark suffered depression he did exactly that.
Mark is definitely a comeback King and you can follow his journey further @marksmith99 enjoy!
Facebook Group, Instagram, and Clubhouse.
You can join all three by clicking on the links below.
Slimming Stories Facebook Group:
Slimming Stories Instagram:
Clubhouse Group - Stop Dreaming Alone:
For anyone new to Clubhouse this is a new social media platform that you will need to apply to join or receive an invite to, it's a little inclusive at the moment but definitely worth your while. Stop Dreaming Alone is where I show up with my fellow entrepreneur friends to talk through the steps of starting out and taking action on business ideas so that you can put into place a plan to leave your day job and do the thing that lights you up!