Weight loss and fitness motivation showing that a great transformation is possible even when the going gets tough. Honest heartfelt conversations without the filter. I interview guests who share the whole weight loss story following a variety of weight loss plans such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Calories Counting & Keto.

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
It takes a lot to be yourself on social media, to truly be yourself. To show up on the good and the bad days especially when on a weight loss journey…. without the filters and hours spent pruning your locks! You would be right in thinking that it takes a certain amount of confidence and courage.
Long before Debbie discovered her answer to weight loss and YouTube Debbies confidence was in short supply.
Debbie once weighed 26 stone 7 pounds and she felt every pound that had brought Debbie issues with her health, skin, confidence, self-worth, and made her feel that she had to accept being morbidly obese. Like most people reading this Debbie had tried many diets but they just didn't seem to work and Debbie had lost faith that she had the motivation to see a healthy eating plan through to the end...in the podcast, Debbie explains she just didn't have the will power.
After a trip to London with her sister and nephew and not being able to fit in a ride at a theme park, Debbie was asked to attend a family meeting. Debbie's sister having spent time with Debbie at London could see how Debbies excess weight was affecting her health and Debbie’s sister and mother were extremely worried.
After listening to her family's concerns Debbie decided to give Slimming World a try and Debbie went onto lose a staggering 15 and a half stone.
Debbie now has a YouTube Channel “Debbie's World” helping and encouraging others that struggle with their weight and offering support. Debbie has such a gorgeous nurturing persona that it's easy to see how this has been a success. With weight loss, Debbie has found the confidence to show up and be herself. A truly honest and inspiring weight loss story.
Please offer your support to Debbie by following her journey on Instagram and subscribing to her YouTube Channel.
Instagram link: @debster_sw
“Debbies World” YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/c/DebbieSW
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
Click on the link to download your free meal planner…...just keep swimming!

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
This episode is a re-run of Episode 6 with Aoife Larkin, when failure isn't an option resilience shows us the show must go on!
Has your doctor ever encouraged you to improve your health by losing a few pounds? If so you will be able to relate to Aoife Larkin, my guest on this week’s podcast.
It’s fair to say that Aoife’s doctor cut straight to the point when announcing that if Aoife didn’t do anything about her eating habits that her friends and family would be carrying her out in a box! Harsh, shocking words that hit home to Aoife that shook Aoife into taking action and finding sanctuary with Slimming World. Aoife was 25 stone 9lb when she stepped on the scales at her first weigh-in and has had an astonishing weight loss of 14 stone 10lb. Aoife's weight loss and her mobility around the stairs in her home resulted in a fall midway through her weight loss journey but this didn’t stop Aoife. After falling on her staircase suffering a break to her pelvis, tailbone and fractured femur Aoife didn’t give in and the weight loss continued.
A walking challenge came Aoife’s way and with improved fitness, she agreed after all Aoife explained “it was just a walk”. Aoife had in fact agreed to climb the highest mountain in Ireland “Carrauntoohil," and with no training after all it was just a walk... Aoife well and truly conquered the mountain! From feeling breathless after walking 3 steps of her staircase to thousands of steps Aoife has come such a long way in more ways than one. Another wonderful lady sharing her story to inspire you into taking action….what are you waiting for!
If you have enjoyed listening to Aoife you can follow Aoife on Instagram @ 3fs_fees_fave_foods_
Please be sure to follow her journey further.
To join me and Kim Flodin on Monday the 31st of August for Kim’s free 5 day challenge “Align with your intuition” click on the link below.
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Is next week looking crazy busy!?
Would a little planning help?
Click on the link to download your free meal planner…...just keep swimming!

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Having stepped back through the door of his weight loss class Shaun knew that this time would be different. Shaun having suffered a health scare and with his sights firmly set on being a healthy role model for his young daughter felt a shift in his intentions.
One week later after stepping back on the scales Shaun achieved a weight loss of 17lbs reassuring Shaun that he had the ability to achieve a positive change that would in turn be life-changing.
Sometimes it can be hard to focus when setting goals to lose weight, there are always reasons or excuses not to take action. None of this applied to Shaun the second time around and his determination to prove to both himself and his family that he could lose weight with a superb focus and drive was his priority.
This determination didn't just start and stop with healthy food changes, this mentality helped Shaun to increase his fitness. Shaun loved the gym and also decided to start running. Shaun was so motivated to have completed a 5k in less than 30 minutes the following day he went onto complete a 10k! For non-runners…..this is not an easy quest!
This isn't fiction! There is no punch line! Hear on Slimming Stories how a determined resilience for change was unshakeable.
Having been inspired by Slimming World Shaun now works as a consultant helping to inspire and motivate others on their weight loss journey.
To download your FREE meal planner for the week ahead, click on the link below!
If you have enjoyed listening to Shaun you can follow Shaun on Instagram @shaun_fat_to_fit_2018 please be sure to follow his journey further.
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Shaun knew the reality of how his access weight was impacting his life and the restrictions this was imposing on him.
Shaun recalls a trip to a theme park and watching his daughter enjoying the rides from afar. Shaun’s excess weight meant he was unable to join in and create special memories that family trips at theme parks are made for.
Having had success with weight loss only to regain the weight Shaun experienced a health scare with extreme chest pain while with his daughter and family member. The health scare was magnified at the thought of being alone with his daughter if in the future his health were to take a turn for the worst. Shaun's motivation to succeed was now in overdrive with the focus on the love he had for his daughter. Shaun knew he needed to take stock of his health and rewrite the ending of his health journey. Shaun was no longer prepared to wait for further chest pains and with determination went on to lose 10 and a half stone.
Shaun now inspires others to do the same as a Slimming World consultant. This is part 1 of Shaun's story with part 2 to follow next week.
If you have enjoyed listening to Shaun you can follow Shaun on Instagram @shaun_fat_to_fit_2018 please be sure to follow his journey further.
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
The world truly is a different place post-COVID. People are questioning the hamster wheel of life and if their beliefs, behaviors, and routines pre COVID really did serve them well. This is an ideal time to introduce you to my great friend and fellow podcast host Kim Flodin and share her self care insights.
Kim Flodin is a Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer, Psychic Coach, and Energy Guide. In this week's episode, Kim opens up the conversation around self-care as you've never heard it before.
Kim’s life changed when she attended a workshop created by Byron Katie, this is definitely not a household name in the U.K but in the U.S Byron Katie is a force to be reckoned with having been featured on Oprah to discuss her therapy and also recently interviewed by Russel Brand. Kim was so moved by the changes the workshop had on her life that she was trained by Byron Katie while working for her at Byron Katie's European workshops. This work is amazing and I wanted Kim to give you an insight into how this can help you if you are in a pattern of negative beliefs that will just not go away.
Kim also discusses the Wim Hof breathing technique and how this has helped her with anxiety and her health.
The reason for bringing Kim on for a deep dive into self-care is during lockdown we hear “be kind to yourself” “love yourself” these affirmations are very common but do we truly know how to do those things? Kim shares her insights and I know you may never have tried any form of therapy or breathing techniques so this will certainly be an eye-opener!
Come and join me as I take part in a free 5-day challenge with Kim ”Align with your intuition” often we hear….just trust your gut instinct. This class will show how we can learn to tune into our 6th sense to lead a more authentic life. Click on the link to sign up, this runs between August the 31st and September the 4th just click on the link to sign up.
See you there!
If you have enjoyed listening to Kim you can follow Kim on Instagram @kim.a.flodin you can also hear more self-care topics on Kim’s podcast “How to fall in love with yourself toolkit” found anywhere you listen to podcasts!
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
After a lifetime of weight loss only to regain the weight Selena was sick and tired of yo-yo-ing up and down the scales. Selena was so frustrated with the excess weight that she chose to seek professional help in the form of weight loss surgery. After consultations and psychological assessments, Selena's surgery was booked and Selena found herself waiting for the date of the surgery. With only one week to go, Selena pulled out of the surgery and the rest is history.
Selena had come to a crossroads, the surgery was the one thing that she could count on to end the cycle of yo-yo dieting…..so know what?
At this point, Selena committed to herself that she was going to make a change.
Selena found that change with Weight Watchers and the support of a fantastic personal fitness coach called Dwayne.
Selena believes that with the help of a diet that satisfied her appetite and a fitness regime that challenged her wavering confidence there was no way she could fail. Success followed and Selena has finally found her solution to end years of yo-yo-ing up and down the scales and she feels amazing.
If you have enjoyed listening to Seleena’s story you can follow Seleena on Instagram @transformingsel. If you would like to connect with Selena’s fitness coach you can contact Dwayne via @uvsl.official or @dwayne_uvsl
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
Don't forget to subscribe!!!! I am a one-woman podcaster and need your support! Thank you for tuning in.

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Episode 36, Shannon Palmer, a great story of resilience despite years of bullying Shannon was able to take back control and deal with her excess weight.
This week's guest Shannon is the epiphany of resilience. Throughout her time at Primary and Secondary school Shannon suffered bullying centered around her excess weight. The bullying was constant but this led Shannon to seek comfort in food and so the cycle had been set There didn't seem any way out for Shannon and she seemed to come to terms with the thought that she was the funny friend, not the friend who had dates with boys. Shannon felt isolated and in her final year at secondary school, Shannon yearned to feel stunning at her upcoming school prom. Unbeknown to Shannon’s parents Shannon drastically cut her calorie intake and the weight dropped off but a size 10 dress didn't make Shannon feel the confident person she hoped to feel and so the weight went back on.
After school and in her first job Shannon chose slimming pills to reduce her weight and they worked but this was only a temporary fix and again the weight loss wasn't sustainable. Life became chaotic when while at work Shannon received a call to say that her family home was ablaze and Shannon lost everything…..literally nothing was saved. Receiving the news that her mum was 4 minutes away from death Shannon felt broken.
Life carried on and yet Shannon felt stuck. While on a family holiday Shannon vowed that she would lose weight and wear a bikini just like the slim girls she saw at her hotel. Shannon hadn’t ever worn a bikini but after walking through the doors at Slimming world this is exactly what she did.
Shannon has learned to love herself and her self esteem and confidence are now proudly intact.
Despite the negativity that Shannon had been surrounded with she has proved that there is hope in the darkest of circumstances.
If you have enjoyed listening to Shannon’s story you can follow Shannon on Instagram @thelittlelifeofshazzap
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Melanie was disheartened, she had wanted to lose weight but having started the Slimming World Plan on Monday she found herself tucking into a Kebab by Wednesday!
What had happened and why hadn't this worked for Melanie? Melanie had a chat with her friend who invited her over to figure out what had gone wrong. It seems that Melanie had been stuck in a diet mentality. You know the one! The diet mentality of eat salad, don't eat pasta, restrict the potatoes and fill up on veg & fruit…..that one!
Luckily Melanie's friend had knowledge of the plan and challenged the meals that Melanie had chosen to eat for being too small. Eat more eggs, add bacon & beans these words were like music to Melanie's ears as it seemed that Melanie had not eaten enough. No wonder a kebab was on the cards! Now Melanie loves to see Instagram posts of new meals that take her fancy that she can try out at home.
Melanie’s dress size has changed from a 20/22 to a 12/14 and having found a love for running Melanie is loving her new body shape. After Melanie's blip at the start she got straight back on track and lost weight in her first week and every week for a year. Inspiration is a click away, please show your support for my show by subscribing wherever you listen to the podcast!
If you have enjoyed listening to Mellanie’s story you can follow Mellanie on Instagram @mellie_sw_
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
In this episode, Leah talks about what happened next after stepping through the doors of her local Slimming World class. Not only does Leah talk through the actions and events that took place leading up to reaching her goal weight Leah also talks about her newfound love for running.
Just to put things into perspective this is a lady who needed to achieve a 10 stone weight loss to reach a healthy BMI. At the start of her weight loss journey, Leah struggled to walk up her street without feelings of discomfort.
Once Leah could see that the weight loss plan she followed was working and that it wasn't just a fad diet Leah set her sights on improving her fitness and a whole new story unfolds.
If summer has found you feeling uncomfortable in your clothes, maybe your old summer clothes are tight and you have had to buy a new summer wardrobe. If you're feeling that your weight and health have taken a back seat during lockdown then I know Leah's story will help you to see that anything is possible. Prepare to be inspired and ask yourself how would you feel this time next year coming on this podcast sharing your story with the same success Leah has had? Leah believes that if she can do this anyone can. What are you waiting for?
This week's episode was sponsored by Nicole Rivers' Stop Wring Alone Podcast and Writing Community.
You can reach out to Nicole on Instagram @stopwritingalone or at stopwritingalone.com
If you have enjoyed listening to Leah’s story you can follow Leah on Instagram @sw_the_dieting_mummy_bear
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast
I personally loved listening to Bella Mackie on Audible.
Jog On is an amazingly honest book of how Bella found running to be a massive help with her mental health. I would highly recommend this book.

Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
EPISODE 33 - part 1, Leah Trainor shares how life as a mum of two boys inspired her 10 stone weight loss with Slimming World.
Leah was overjoyed to be attending her first doctor's appointment with her midwife after receiving the great news that she was expecting her first baby. Leah with overwhelmed with joy and excitement as she walked through the doors in eager anticipation. Leah's friend had spoken about the first appointment as just like any new mum to be Leah felt that this appointment had made it official, Leah was now a mum….there was definitely no going back!
The excitement and joy were soon to be quashed by her first consultation and it became clear that there were grave concerns for Leah due to the excess weight she carried. Fortunately, Leah gave birth to a healthy baby boy with celebrations all around! Leah loved being a mum, 6 months later Leah and husband Andrew decided to try for another baby and with delight introduced their second baby boy into their family.
Despite the initial concerns for Leah and her health while pregnant Leah was able to have two babies with no complex health interventions.
Leah fully embraced being a new mum but as soon as the boys became more active it was clear that Leah had to make a change. Leah didn't want to be sat on the sidelines watching Andrew or family and friends take her boys around soft play. Leah wanted to join in but weighing over 20 stones this was often difficult.
The realization that Leah could be missing out on activities with her sons motivated her to take action and having lost 10 stone Leah has been able to share her slimming story. Prepare to be inspired!
If you have enjoyed listening to Leah’s story you can follow Leah on Instagram @sw_the_dieting_mummy_bear
Slimming Stories podcast is written and produced by Claire Oldham - West, you can follow Slimming Stories on Instagram @sw_slimmingstories_podcast